We want you to be completely comfortable with us and with the hearing aids we offer at Better Hearing Center so here are some guidelines to consider when you are in search of a new pair of hearing aids. Your office visits are free, and we offer free hearing tests and a free hearing evaluation. The process of finding the …
Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test
Do you find that you often have to repeat yourself in conversation with a loved one? Are you concerned that you are not feeling heard or that your words are misunderstood? When it comes to our relationships, communication is an important bedrock. Through conversation, jokes, and serious heart-to-hearts, we come to know and understand one another. When communication breaks down, …
Identifying the Signs of Hearing Loss
Understanding Hearing LossHearing loss affects an estimated 48 million Americans, or 20% of the population. Although any one at any age may experience hearing loss, it is most commonly found among older Americans. For people age 65 and older, one in three experience hearing loss. For people age 75 and older, 50% of people experience hearing loss. Hearing loss is …